Normal "fractals" as Julia sets or Mandelbrot sets iterate a fixed formula until some condition evaluates to true (then a pixel is said to be "outside") or the maximum number of iterations has been reached (then a pixel is said to be "inside").
The result can be colored in thousands of ways, but the basic algorithm always stays the same. Take an initial value, iterate, test condition, iterate again or stop.
Simple, isn't it? So why are most of the fractal generators only calculating Julia and Mandelbrot sets using complex numbers? The reason is: Basically Quaternions are (at least) 4 dimensional objects! This means:
You see, there are many reasons why most fractal generators avoid calculating fractals using quaternion numbers... ChaosPro uses several techniques in order to speed up the process, but please, *please* be not disappointed: Calculating true 3D objects using such complicated math is slow. So lets start explaining how ChaosPro calculates quaternions: At first we must define a three dimensional subspace from the 4D - Quaternion space: Generally one can define all hyper planes from any n-dimensional space by two values:
A hyper plane of an n-dimensional space is an (n-1) - dimensional sub space of it. And that's what we want. So by specifying a 4D-base point and a 4D-normal vector we can express all 3D sub spaces from that 4 dimensional space: Our sub space consists of all points which form a rectangular angle to the normal vector. And all points are then translated by the base point. Seems strange? Well, the same method can be applied to any space, so lets consider the following: We want to specify any 1 dimensional object from a 2D-space, or to speak more clear: We want all lines from a plane. Indeed, we can express any line by providing a normal vector and a base point (==> translation), as displayed in the following image: All three lines can be expressed by specifying a base point (o1, o2, o3) and a normal vector. The representation is not unique: As you can see, the base point can be anywhere on the line in question. The same principle allows us to define areas (2D) in a 3D space, or, and that's what we want, 3D spaces lying in a 4D-space. So we now should be able to specify a 3D space lying in a 4D-quaternion space. Of course, currently it is "lying" in it, i.e. it has dimension 3, but all points of it have 4 components. The next step is to define a base of this 3D space. This base of course consists of three vectors in the 4D-quaternion space. Lets call these vectors b1, b2 and b3. The base point O1 defined before specifies the "null point" from our 3D space: We now have parametrized our 3D space: We can express all points P in our 3D space as P=O1+x*b1+y*b2+z*b3, or, abbreviated: (x,y,z) And so we now are completely in a (virtual) 3D space:
We start in a 3D space, and whenever we need the corresponding 4D quaternion value, we simply calculate P as O1+x*b1+y*b2+z*b3. So we can calculate a quaternion as follows: An observer (i.e. YOU) is located anywhere. You can adjust his position. So for example he is at (3,0,0). You look at some point in the scene, lets say onto (0,0,0). Your complete position (like rotation, where is "top") can be specified, too. So you look at the scene and the fractal window should display what you see: So we now have to scan the whole world seen by you, pixel for pixel, in order to determine whether it belongs to the quaternion fractal or not. Lets make an example for the pixel (0.3,-0.2,1.1), assuming some defaults. We must iterate a quaternion formula (lets say z^2+c), and at first we must initialize z to the current pixel. So:
After all points in view direction have been examined, draw the inner region, i.e. the object defined by all points which "belong" to the quaternion. You may ask why we draw the "inner" object: The most interesting part of the Mandelbrot set was the outer region. Well, the reason is simple: The outer region is unbound, i.e. there is a (small) object defined by the inner region, and all other pixels are "outside". To make a more realistic example: Can YOU see a small bird when you are "inside" a wall? Most probably you only would see "grey" ;-) |