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List of Changes from V1.0 to V2.0
List of Changes from V2.0 to V2.1
List of Changes from V2.1 to V3.0
List of Changes from V3.0 to V3.02
List of Changes from V3.02 to V3.1
List of Changes from V3.1 to V3.2
List of Changes from V3.2 to V3.3
List of Changes from V3.3 to V4.0
List of Changes from V4.0.189 to V4.0.228
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Quaternion Math
Release 4.0

Changes from ChaosPro V3.3 to V4.0

Most of the changes done in the version are not listed here. Only the most important things are mentioned.


  • Bug fixed means that the bahaviour was not intended by the author and has been changed.

  • New means the feature is new

  • Changed means the behaviour of ChaosPro has been changed in any way, most of the time in order to make ChaosPro more intuitive.
  • Improved means the behaviour has been improved somehow.

List of Changes

  • Bug fixed Compiler bug: shared variables which were not read have been removed from the formula, as the compiler thought the variable was not used.
    Fixed: shared variables won't be removed at all.
  • Bug fixed Quaternion animations with simple zooms did not work: coordinate system transformation had a bug.
    May have affected 3D animations as well.
  • Improved Mouse Wheel now scrolls the window which is below the cursor. You need not activate the window in order to "scroll".
    This makes it more easy to scroll the container bar.
  • Bug fixed ChaosPro had difficulties with virtual screens which appear on two monitors.
    It crashed (alpha channel window, palette editor, if width was greater than primary monitor width), positioned windows wrong (color selection, formula selection, etc.), did not allow to size fractals to full virtual screen size. This has been fixed.
  • New Fractal type Attractor added
  • Bug fixed When a renderjob crashed, ChaosPro was not able to recover: On next startup ChaosPro automatically loaded the render job and crashed again. ==> fixed! ChaosPro now detects whether it has terminated successfully and if not, removes pending render jobs. The install/uninstall routine also removes render jobs
  • New fractal type Quaternion enhanced: Rendering mode changed, lighting rewritten to be the same as Attractor
  • New When you slowly change a slider only a single Undo step will be created. It will be created when you release the slider. Formerly dozends of Undo steps were created when you e.g. changed the light vertical position using the slider from 10 degree to 50 degree.
  • Bug fixed ChaosPro crashed when you assigned a formula to a fractal which had an error and then tried to change the values from the previous formula (the entry fields were still there...)
  • ... many more bugs fixed ...